Wednesday, November 26, 2008


How much lower do you think gas prices will go? It really doesn’t matter because it won’t last. The Beast now knows the American people will tolerate up to about $4 per gallon. Watch the Federal Beast place new taxes on gas after January 20. New taxes up to about $2 per gallon are probably not out of the question. The economic terrorist attack that has already taken place has crippled the mortgage industry, shrunk the banking industry, and wrecked the auto maker industry. Fearfully, the American people will plead with the Beast for protection. The people are so frightened of the coming depression, they will demand for the Federal Beast to do something to save the economy. But fear no more, CHANGE is coming. HOPE is on the horizon.

We’ve already been warned that after January 20 we might only have 6 months of relative calm before our new leader is “tested.” Our new leader is clever enough to know he needs the American people to be fearful. So the predicted “test” helps to create that situation where the people will be so frightened that they will bow down and beg for the Federal Beast to do something. Wars and rumors of war, threats of terrorist attacks, threats of violence and riots can go a long way to convince the people to blindly accept martial law. But fear no more, CHANGE is coming. HOPE is on the horizon.

Those who would riot and protest, the so-called revolutionaries, the militants, and all the extremists will never successfully overthrow the Beast; but what they can do is succeed in scaring the American people into begging for the new socialism coming from Washington. Peace at any cost is what a fearful people will accept. As long as they can have their six-pack and Monday Night Football on their big-screen HD TV, they will not care if the Constitution is suspended and the country enslaved. As the radicals in the streets make more commotion, they stupidly allow the true leaders of the Beast to appear more in the center as those leaders in reality continue to move to the left. But fear no more, CHANGE is coming. HOPE is on the horizon.

It appears that the Federal Beast opposes terrorism much the same way it once opposed Communism. Billions and billions of dollars are spent to keep the military spread around the world to fight the war on terrorism without ever defeating terrorism. Much like Orwell’s 1984, the Beast needs the smoke and mirrors production of the appearance of a formidable foe. The thought of an ever-present enemy allows the Beast to manage the “conflict” while in truth it continues to advance its real objective of totalitarian rule. Remember September 11, 1990 when Bush 41 uttered the words “New World Order” in his "Toward a New World Order" speech? But fear no more, CHANGE is coming. HOPE is on the horizon.